The National Electric Highway Coalition (NEHC) is a collaboration among electric companies that are committed to providing electric vehicle (EV) fast charging stations that will allow the public to drive EVs with confidence along major U.S. travel corridors by the end of 2023. The NEHC is the largest such alliance of electric companies that have organized around the common goal of deploying EV fast charging infrastructure to support the growing number of EVs and to help ensure that the transition to EVs is seamless for drivers.
The National Electric Highway Coalition currently consists of more than 60 investor-owned and municipal electric companies and electric cooperatives. Current coalition member companies collectively serve more than 120 million U.S. electric customers across 48 states and the District of Columbia.

Key Electric Transportation Facts
More than $3.4 billion for EV Programs, Projects
Electric companies are investing more than $3.4 billion to deploy charging infrastructure and accelerate electric transportation.
Less than half the fuel cost
EV drivers spend the equivalent of about $1.20 per gallon, based on average residential electric rates.
More than 26 million EVs on the road in 2030
EEI estimates that more than 140,000 EV fast charging ports will be needed to support the more than 26 million EVs projected to be on U.S. roads in 2030.
NEHC Members
AES Ohio
Alliant Energy
Ameren Illinois
Ameren Missouri
American Electric Power
Arizona Public Service
Avista Utilities
CenterPoint Energy
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Con Edison
Consumers Energy
Dominion Energy
DTE Energy
Duke Energy
Duquesne Light Company
Edison International
El Paso Electric
Florida Power & Light Company
Green Mountain Power
Idaho Power
LG&E and KU Energy
Madison Gas and Electric
MidAmerican Energy
Midwest Energy*
National Grid
Nebraska Public Power District*
NorthWestern Energy
NV Energy
Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Orange and Rockland Utilities
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific Power
PNM Resources
Portland General Electric
PPL Electric Utilities
Puget Sound Energy
Rocky Mountain Power
San Diego Gas & Electric
Southern Company
Tennessee Valley Authority*
Tucson Electric Power
United Power*
Upper Michigan Energy Resources
We Energies
Wisconsin Public Service
Xcel Energy
*Non-Investor-Owned Electric Company Member